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Lonicera kamtschatica 'Borealis K3'- Blue honeysuckle ;  Haskap - Lonicera kamtschatica Borealis'

Lonicera kamtschatica 'Borealis K3'- Blue honeysuckle ; Haskap
Lonicera kamtschatica Borealis'

Very fertile Canadian variety of wide-spreading habit. Fruit quite big oval with calebasse form reaching over 2,5 cm length and 1,6 g weight. Fruit sweet and very tasty (Regarded in Canada and Japan as most delicious blue honeysuckle variety). They are not suitable for mechanical picking because of its softnes. Fruit ripens in June/July. Very good cultivated with 'Aurora' and 'Honeybee' varieties. On average this variety yields a crop of 4,5 kg per shrub.
Category Haskap
Fruits colour
Shrubs size
Fruiting time
Fruit size
Fruit taste sweet
Osypywanie się none
Hardness of fruits
Frost resistance
below -27
semi shade


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