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Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum - Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum
Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum - Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum - Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum - Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum - Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum - Silbervelours  - Rhododendron pachysanthum

Silbervelours - Rhododendron pachysanthum
Silbervelours - Rhododendron pachysanthum

A slow-growing variety with a wide and dense habit. After 10 years, it reaches about 1 m height. The leaves are distinguished by a very intense, light brown indumentum on young growths, which decorates the leaves until late autumn. The underside of the leaf is covered with a dense, light brown coating. The flowers are pink in bud, opening to light pink, and gradually lightening to white as they bloom. Frost-resistant down to approximately -23°C.
z oczkiem
Size medium-size shrub
Blooming period May I April II
Frost resistance
semi shade


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